
Annabel - Lead Event Manager

"Since 2010 you can imagine the amount of businesses we have worked with… plenty! From numerous Halloween events to a networking group for North Cumbria for six years, I have crossed paths with a plethora of great people. Because of this I have learnt a lot about good business practice. I also have experience and education in marketing, PR and Project Management. The main tool in my belt though is creativity. I love a challenge. Bring it on."

Annabel Candler-18

Katarina - Exec Assistant 

The creative, quirky, hard working and organised Sister, Katarina brings years of event experience and artistic flare. Currently living in Edinburgh, she commutes when required to be by Annabel's side. Her background involves fine art, scultpure, charity events, project management, marketing and event management. A huge asset to the team!


Previous activities we have been involved with include...

Penrith Halloween Festival - This event ran for four years and each year I worked to grow it and make sure local businesses and the community gain from it.

Penrith on a Plate 2012 - For a first time event, this two day food festival was a great success and ensured that over 65 local businesses had an opportunity to benefit.

"A significant element of Annabel’s work was to take the lead role in developing and delivering a successful food festival event. Annabel was instrumental in devising the concept ‘Penrith on a Plate’ which took place in July 2012. This two day food festival brought together a large number of food and drink producers and retailers to celebrate the quality of the produce on offer within Eden. This was the first time the Council had attempted this type of event and it was met with such success that there is a significant demand for the event to become an annual event. Annabel took the lead role in all parts of this event from budgeting, marketing to managing the event on the day."- Oliver Shimell, Communities Manager, Eden District Council


Age UK Re-Brand - When the brand changed from Age Concern, they requested help in promoting the new logo and style which was being implemented nationally. I created a window display and installed it in all their stores across Eden & Carlisle. 

CFM's Cash for Kids Christmas Parties - For two years I created table displays for a business celebration in support of the charity. The displays had to suit a tight budget and be dramatically impressive. 

Penrith Christmas Markets - Five days of festive fun and local traders in the centre of town to entice visitors to shop in Penrith. The task involved coordination of many businesses and street acts. 

Picture U Charity Window - My creativity was used to create a collage of photos in the shape of Eden Valley Hospice's logo which received press coverage for the photography company and the charity!

Lowther Castle Halloween Party - When the ruins opened to the public for the first time, we ensured it was a spooky success! Visitors could not only take part in face painting and games but also wander the ruins, if they dared! Very successful couple of events which brought the site to life. 

Wedding Festival - With the help of Special Event Tipi's and a wonderful collection of suppliers, I hosted the first Wedding Festival; a fair with a difference! The aim was to not only provide stalls with perfect suppliers but also some food, entertainment and all in a wonderful location.

Kirklinton's Midsummer Festival & Midsummer Nights Party - Event at an new vnue to entice locals to explore the site. Included live bands, fire eating, fairies and food!

Cumbrian Women in Enterprise (CWE) - This networking group met once a month in Penrith and Carlisle and was a fantastic way of getting to know local business women in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. You would be surprised the opportunities that appear from networking!